Kitty Exercise

I know, it sounds crazy.  And don't worry, this involves no leashes or fur flying.  Although I can easily be a traditional pet sitter for you, I would prefer to be more.  I want to enrich your pet's life, which means helping them become both physically and emotionally healthier

Exercise opportunities for cats are limited by the imagination, time and willingness of the humans that adore them. Unfortunately, indoor cats tend to become lazy, bored and overweight unless they are continually encouraged to play and exercise. Obesity in cats due to a sedentary lifestyle causes a shorter lifespan and an increased risk of developing a number of different diseases - diabetes, liver disease, arthritis and skin problems are the most common.  

Active playing for just 10-15 minutes regularly provides mental stimulation and important exercise for your cat, plus strengthening the human animal bond. 

Regular aerobic activity for cats provides many benefits, including:

  • Helping maintain a healthy weight
  • Keeping muscles flexible and strong
  • Promoting organ health as well as the overall structural integrity of your cats body
  • Cures boredom and the undesirable behaviors that come along with it
  • Helps strengthen the human and animal bond

For the vast majority of cat parents, the only thing standing between their pet and regular exercise is the time and commitment to do it.  

That's where I come in.

Even the most shy, fearful or lazy cat has a hard time ignoring a laser pointer or an interactive wand even if the person is a stranger.  They just can't switch off thousands of years of predatory instinct.  This is the best and safest way for your cat to get up and active and is the premise of Kitty Exercise.

If interested, we would see during the initial consultation how your cat responds to me to see if this is an option. I can provide the toys or use yours.  The amount of time depends on how active and in shape your cat is (inactive cats would need less in the beginning).  Active play differs from casual play - the full play time is dedicated to get your cats heart rate up.  The laser toy is a great advanced tool and can challenge even the most active cat.  

Get your cats heart rate up with a little kitty exercise regularly!